Masterclass - Part 4

Judging Others - Matthew 7:1-6

Masterclass - Learning from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount - is a deeper look into Christ’s explanation of the kingdom of God. In this sermon, Jesus is revealing to the people what the kingdom of God truly looks like, not just in heaven but here on earth. He’s constructing the pieces together correctly (whereas the people at the time had a misunderstanding of God’s kingdom i.e. ruling authority on earth, overthrowing the Roman Empire, etc.).

The people learn that God’s kingdom is upside compared to the world’s kingdoms. Where the world values strong and powerful, Jesus values the meek and the weak. Where the world values status and influence, Jesus values humility and compassion. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is like the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament, it tells the people how to live properly, how to be a follower of Jesus, how to live how God wants us to live.

Our goal, as SVC, will be to relearn and be reminded of what Christ calls us to. How our faith calls us to live differently than the world around us. It calls us to value life differently than the world around us. It calls us to live according to God’s kingdom and not the world’s kingdom, not the U.S. kingdom, not a political party, a cultural subgroup, but God’s kingdom. We are called to be defined by Christ’s love, compassion, kindness, generosity, humility, and peace.

Jesus is giving a Masterclass of being a citizen of God’s kingdom, he’s giving the ultimate lessons of what it means to be a Christian. We are learning from the master.


Also please let us know how we can be praying for you. You can always send us a prayer request or praise here or email

To find out more about Spring Valley Church or to connect with us, check us out at the links below!

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Masterclass - Part 3

Prayer & Fasting - Matthew 6:5-18

Masterclass - Learning from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount - is a deeper look into Christ’s explanation of the kingdom of God. In this sermon, Jesus is revealing to the people what the kingdom of God truly looks like, not just in heaven but here on earth. He’s constructing the pieces together correctly (whereas the people at the time had a misunderstanding of God’s kingdom i.e. ruling authority on earth, overthrowing the Roman Empire, etc.).

The people learn that God’s kingdom is upside compared to the world’s kingdoms. Where the world values strong and powerful, Jesus values the meek and the weak. Where the world values status and influence, Jesus values humility and compassion. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is like the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament, it tells the people how to live properly, how to be a follower of Jesus, how to live how God wants us to live.

Our goal, as SVC, will be to relearn and be reminded of what Christ calls us to. How our faith calls us to live differently than the world around us. It calls us to value life differently than the world around us. It calls us to live according to God’s kingdom and not the world’s kingdom, not the U.S. kingdom, not a political party, a cultural subgroup, but God’s kingdom. We are called to be defined by Christ’s love, compassion, kindness, generosity, humility, and peace.

Jesus is giving a Masterclass of being a citizen of God’s kingdom, he’s giving the ultimate lessons of what it means to be a Christian. We are learning from the master.


Also please let us know how we can be praying for you. You can always send us a prayer request or praise here or email

To find out more about Spring Valley Church or to connect with us, check us out at the links below!

To give online, visit

Masterclass - Part 2

Upside-down Kingdom - Matthew 5:17-48

Masterclass - Learning from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount - is a deeper look into Christ’s explanation of the kingdom of God. In this sermon, Jesus is revealing to the people what the kingdom of God truly looks like, not just in heaven but here on earth. He’s constructing the pieces together correctly (whereas the people at the time had a misunderstanding of God’s kingdom i.e. ruling authority on earth, overthrowing the Roman Empire, etc.).

The people learn that God’s kingdom is upside compared to the world’s kingdoms. Where the world values strong and powerful, Jesus values the meek and the weak. Where the world values status and influence, Jesus values humility and compassion. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is like the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament, it tells the people how to live properly, how to be a follower of Jesus, how to live how God wants us to live.

Our goal, as SVC, will be to relearn and be reminded of what Christ calls us to. How our faith calls us to live differently than the world around us. It calls us to value life differently than the world around us. It calls us to live according to God’s kingdom and not the world’s kingdom, not the U.S. kingdom, not a political party, a cultural subgroup, but God’s kingdom. We are called to be defined by Christ’s love, compassion, kindness, generosity, humility, and peace.

Jesus is giving a Masterclass of being a citizen of God’s kingdom, he’s giving the ultimate lessons of what it means to be a Christian. We are learning from the master.


Also please let us know how we can be praying for you. You can always send us a prayer request or praise here or email

To find out more about Spring Valley Church or to connect with us, check us out at the links below!

To give online, visit

Masterclass - Part 1

The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-12

Masterclass - Learning from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount - is a deeper look into Christ’s explanation of the kingdom of God. In this sermon, Jesus is revealing to the people what the kingdom of God truly looks like, not just in heaven but here on earth. He’s constructing the pieces together correctly (whereas the people at the time had a misunderstanding of God’s kingdom i.e. ruling authority on earth, overthrowing the Roman Empire, etc.).

The people learn that God’s kingdom is upside compared to the world’s kingdoms. Where the world values strong and powerful, Jesus values the meek and the weak. Where the world values status and influence, Jesus values humility and compassion. Jesus’ sermon on the mount is like the 10 Commandments of the Old Testament, it tells the people how to live properly, how to be a follower of Jesus, how to live how God wants us to live.

Our goal, as SVC, will be to relearn and be reminded of what Christ calls us to. How our faith calls us to live differently than the world around us. It calls us to value life differently than the world around us. It calls us to live according to God’s kingdom and not the world’s kingdom, not the U.S. kingdom, not a political party, a cultural subgroup, but God’s kingdom. We are called to be defined by Christ’s love, compassion, kindness, generosity, humility, and peace.

Jesus is giving a Masterclass of being a citizen of God’s kingdom, he’s giving the ultimate lessons of what it means to be a Christian. We are learning from the master.


Also please let us know how we can be praying for you. You can always send us a prayer request or praise here or email

To find out more about Spring Valley Church or to connect with us, check us out at the links below!

To give online, visit