The Ministry of Jesus
Part 4: Jesus Fulfilling Sciprture
Continuing in our series today of the ministry of Jesus, where each week we're taking a look at a different aspect of Jesus' ministry. Every moment of his three-year ministry was purposeful and so impactful, and it provides an invitation to us today to learn more about who God is in the person of Jesus and what he's done and what he can do. Each week as we learn more about his ministry, our goal is to better understand God's heavenly kingdom, to better understand Jesus and his life's purpose, and then to reflect on how we can therefore live like Jesus in our day-to-day lives. Our hope and prayer is that as we go through this Lenten season, this is a season of acknowledging and leaning into our depravity and our appreciation and need for Christ, and as we approach Easter, we will have this deeper understanding of the life of Christ, the mission of Christ, and the sacrifice that he made on the cross. And therefore, come Easter Sunday, have a fuller celebration. Having spent weeks and weeks studying about what Jesus did for us, what he's doing for us now, our praise on that Easter Sunday will be all the louder. So far in our series, this is week four, the first three weeks, we've covered parables, which is Jesus' primary way of teaching about God's kingdom, a kingdom that is about the lost, the lonely, and the last. Then we had a guest speaker, Pastor Phil, come in and talk about being called and commissioned. And he talked about the disciples and the intentional ministry and mentoring that Jesus did with those 12, but also how that pertains to us today, that we are also called and God has plans for us to continue in his ministry. And then last week, Pastor Lauren talked about the healing part of Jesus' ministry, which I thought was so good, talking about how his healing spoke to his power, his compassion, and also pointed us to the kingdom of God. So I'd encourage you, if you missed any of those, please go back on our website, watch them.
And then today we're getting to our fourth aspect of ministry. And these were by, just as a side note, no particular order. These are not priority. These are just different aspects of his ministry. So today, before we get to what that aspect is, I just have a question. For those of you who grew up in the church or grew up reading your Bible, how many of you have a preference between the Old Testament and New Testament? How many of you like the Old Testament? Raise your hands if you're Old Testament. Oh yeah, that's right. Just kidding, I have no preference. That's great. That's great. How about New Testament? Any New Testament? I would expect a few more. Yeah. How many of you hate that question? We're like, I don't like picking New Testament. Yeah, okay. That's fair. Those are the real winners. I'm just kidding. Yeah, New Testament, Old Testament, they're different, but all good. So I've heard some summarize that the Old Testament is basically rules and the New Testament is all about Jesus. I don't know if you've heard that or something similar, a very condensed, boiled down summarization of the Bible. And I would say to them that the Old Testament is also all about Jesus and the New Testament also has plenty of rules of how we should live. What I'm getting at is that there can be this misnomer that you just need to read the New Testament. It doesn't matter today because it's got the words of Jesus or a misnomer that the Old Testament has some good basic rules, but it's outdated and it's old. It doesn't matter anymore. Again, go to the New Testament because that's where you learn about Jesus. But what we know to be true is that all of scripture, the Old Testament and the New Testament points to Jesus. All of scripture, the Old Testament and the New Testament informs us of how to live the way that God has called us to live. Scripture tells us, all of scripture tells us about Jesus. And then what we see in the life of Jesus is that he points back to scripture. He says this, and he's referencing the Old Testament. And he said, "This is so important. This is what this means." He did this himself often.
And so this is our aspect today of Jesus' ministry where he fulfills scripture. What do I mean by that? Well, these are moments in his ministry where he intentionally brings to the disciples' attention, to the crowd's attention, and then to us today, the reader's attention, where he is fulfilling promises and prophecies that are found in the Old Testament, which is why we should know our Old Testament. What is Jesus talking about? Sometimes he makes it very apparent by prefacing in that moment. He says something like, "As it is written," and that clues everyone in as, "Oh, he's referencing something else," or, "It is said that." These are the phrases that if you're reading your Bible, if you see that, you know that he's talking about an Old Testament reference. And then he'd do something or say something to complete that Old Testament reference. Other times, he would just do it. He wouldn't preface it. He would just say something or do something, and then the disciples had to put it together later. And it'd be like days later or weeks later or even years later, and it would click. And they're like, "Oh, that's what Jesus meant when he said that." Or when he did this, he was fulfilling the Scripture. Now you may be wondering, "What parts of Scripture is he fulfilling?" Well, these are passages in the Old Testament where God spoke through leaders, through prophets, and promises and in covenants made to his people about the salvation from sin, being saved from affliction and death and suffering. These are promises to be made whole, promises to be in the kingdom of heaven.
And these are, again, all throughout the Old Testament. And so we see, even going all the way back to Genesis 3, at the very beginning of your Bible, God tells them of Jesus who's going to come and defeat the enemy. Or Genesis 12, talking to Abraham, where God promises Abraham that he will bless the entire world through Abraham's descendants. Or in Exodus 19 with Moses, where he talks about the Ten Commandments, and he says, "If the Israelites obey me, they will be my people, a priesthood that will shine my truth and my light." And then the promises that he makes to David in 1 Samuel 7, promises to establish his line from David's line. Or all the minor prophets in your Bible, every prophetic book in the Bible is the call for the people of God to turn back to God, but also to look forward to the one who is to come. God promises to the people of Israel that he will send someone from the moment sin entered the world to save them. And throughout these years in the Old Testament, spanning hundreds and hundreds of years, the anticipation built for the people of God. And the people of Israel were wondering, "Who was it?" We get a little bit more of God's plan. We hear from a prophet, from a leader saying, "This is what God is doing." And they'd be like, "All right, well, who is this person?" And then someone would come along, maybe like a Moses, and they're like, "Is this it?" Because Moses wasn't the person. And then someone like David would come along and they're like, "Is he the one? Is he the one that the prophets and God has been talking about?" "No, not David." Or maybe Elijah, not Elijah. Closer to Jesus' time, people were wondering if it was John the Baptist. Is John the Baptist the one that all these prophets, that the Scriptures have been talking about? It wasn't John the Baptist. And then Jesus came into the world, and he is the fulfillment of Scripture, the one that the Old Testament has been pointing to, the one that the people have been waiting for. Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah, the Savior of the world, the rescue plan in full effect. And the tragedy is that many of the people walking with Jesus at that time, at that time in history, they were missing it. They didn't see it. The people of Israel had all the information. They had all this, but they weren't putting the information from the Old Testament together in the right way to come to the conclusion that Jesus is that person. My professor used to say, "It's like going into Home Depot. You have everything and more that you need to assemble whatever it is you want to assemble." And the Israelites were coming out of Home Depot with the wrong parts, trying to build something that wasn't going to work. And Jesus had to come and say, "No, let me tell you how to, in the Scriptures..." You guys try to believe that the Old Testament is Home Depot in this analogy? Okay. Yeah. You go into the Old Testament, and here's how you come out with this. This is how you land at Jesus being the Savior. They just had assembled it wrong. And they kept waiting. They were like, "Okay, you're an interesting person, Jesus, but I'm waiting for what Jesus is telling me, or for what God is telling and foretelling." And it's like, "Jesus is saying, 'No, it's me. I'm right here.'" Jesus is that expert, the fulfillment of Scripture, and He had to tell them how He fulfilled Scripture. So He has to tell the people, and He's telling us today, "Here's how to put Scripture together in the way that God intended us to understand.”
So we're finally going to get to our passage this morning. That was a very long intro. Connecting the Scripture, we're going to see in our passage, if you have your Bibles, you can turn with me to John chapter 2, verse 13, or you can follow along on the screen, which reads this. It says, "When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts, He found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves, He said, 'Get these out of here. Stop turning My Father's house into a market.' His disciples remembered that it is written, 'Zeal for your house will consume Me.' The Jews then responded to Him, 'What sign can You show us to prove Your authority to do all this?' Jesus answered them, 'Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.' They replied, 'It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you're going to raise it in three days?' But the temple He had spoken of was His body. After He was raised from the dead, His disciples recalled what He had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken." Would you guys pray with me? God, as we dive into Your Word, God, I pray that You would, through Your Spirit, help us to understand what it is You're trying to get us to see here and to see Your truth. I pray, God, that we would come to a better understanding of who You are and what You're doing and part of Jesus' ministry that is so important to understand. Our desire truly is that we would understand Scripture the way that You mean for us to understand. So give us eyes to see in Your Word. Give us ears to hear. We pray this in Your name. Amen. I want to catch us up briefly on where we're at here, which is, we know, taking the four Gospels and looking at the timelines, that Jesus is in Jerusalem. This is after the triumphal entry. So this is in the midst of Holy Week or Passion Week. This is at the very end of Jesus' three years in ministry. And Jesus' attention has turned toward the cross. He knows what is coming, and He has a series of very confrontational conversations and experiences with the leaders who are against Him, this being one of them. And so, as is the custom, Jesus, during Passover, went to the temple. And what happened was not your everyday temple scene, but rather a very intense moment where Jesus makes a conscious decision to address a few things that He doesn't like.
So the first of our three points of the cleansing of the temple is as Jesus addresses the problem of worship. Jesus addresses the problem of worship. During this time in Jerusalem, we see in verses 14 through 16, people were selling cattle, sheeps, and doves, others sitting at tables exchanging money. Now, if you just had that right there, is that what you would imagine God's temple to be? This place of commerce, this place where people are making money off of worshiping God. No. I also just want to explain here that I don't know if we all know our temple really well, the blueprints here. So there is an outer court, which is everyone had to go through the outer court, and that was a place of worship for the non-Jewish people. The inner court is where the Jewish people would go to worship. And so John gives us this detail that, and also we know from the other Gospels putting together, this was happening in the outer courts. And so this was happening to the people the non-Jewish people could not worship. There's too much going on here that people were being hindered from worshiping God. That commerce happened in the outer courts. And this is Passover week too, so it's just crowded, it's packed. There were people who had traveled long distances to get there, and those people who traveled, it wasn't practical to bring your animal sacrifices with you. So they're traveling for days. The people who lived in town, sure, maybe they could just walk their goat over or whatever it was that they were sacrificing. But for people who were traveling, they had to come to the city and then find an animal to sacrifice. And so, the business-minded people of the time were like, "Oh, this is perfect. Let's set up shop and we'll sell all these animals." And you already can see where this is going. This was just a moment that was ripe for selfishness and greed. And so those merchants had a monopoly on the market and likely charged exorbitant prices for the convenience of buying animals at the temple. So was Jesus upset that they were making money on the practice of worship? Yeah, I think so. Is he upset at their exorbitant prices? Probably. But I think there's an Old Testament scripture that tells us truly the deeper issue, which is Isaiah 56, verse 7, which reads this, "These I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." That's that last part right there. My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. God's desire is that the temple is a house of prayer for all people, that no one would be hindered from coming before God to worship Him, to have their sins atoned for, to be made right before God. That's the heart of God in the Old Testament and it's the heart of Jesus in this passage. So what upsets and angers Jesus the most is that people are hindered from worshiping Him, worshiping God the Father. Jesus is saying that this isn't at all what God had in mind when He gave the blueprints for the temple. So Jesus is addressing this problem with how His Father's house was being run and how some could not worship the Father. And just what a good reminder for us today that the priority above all else, no matter what earthly barriers we may experience today on earth, God doesn't want anything to come between a person who is bringing themselves before Him. In other words, we better not get in the way of someone trying to come before God and worship Him. So that's the first insight.
The second from our passage is that Jesus moves Himself to the crucifixion. Jesus is 18, after He said, "Get out of here, stop turning My Father's house into a market." He says, "Then the Jews respond to Him, 'What sign can You show us to prove Your authority to do all this?'" And I don't think, by the way, that's like a curious tone. They're like, "Oh, what authority do You have? Can You show us Your badge?" No, I think they got some attitude. They're like, "Yeah, what are you talking about? Who are you?" And then verse 19 says, "Jesus answered them, 'Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days.'" Now we have the context of the whole passage, what He's talking about, but I'm pretty sure that came across as fighting words. He was like, "Destroy this temple." He's engaging. They step forward with this verbal joust, and He steps right back and said, "Destroy this temple. I'll raise it again in three days." This passage is in all the Gospels, and I want to read Mark 11:17, because I think it hits better on the tone of the heat of this moment. So Mark 11 is the same Jesus clearing the temple, but it says this, "As He taught them, He said, 'It is not written, "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations," but you have made it a den of robbers.'" That's definitely fighting words right there. "The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill Him, for they feared Him, because the whole crowd was amazed at His teaching." You see, many people reference this Jesus clears the temple courts or cleanses the temple as an example for Jesus' righteous anger, as if He came across something randomly and unexpected in the temple and reacted in the moment. But when we take a deeper look, that doesn't seem to be the case. John Mark Comer, a pastor and an author, says this was something He planned. He had been to the temple several times. He knew what He was doing. It was not, "One day, Jesus' anger got the best of Him," but it's okay because it's Jesus. No, He knew that this would get Him closer to the cross. It says back in our John passage in 15 that He made a whip out of cords. I don't know if you've ever had an angry moment where in that moment, something happens and immediately you have the urge to react in a certain way. Maybe you're like, "Oh, if there was a wall, I would punch that wall or I would throw something." But you have an initial reaction of, "I am so angry that I would..." whatever it is. But maybe in your experience, you've just taken a second or a minute and all of a sudden, even like 30 seconds later or a minute later, you're still angry, but that urge is gone. You're like, "Oh, glad I didn't punch that wall. I'm upset, but I can handle this in a mature way." Any of you? No? Okay. Sometimes? You guys are too scared to admit that you've wanted to punch a wall before. Yeah, but when we sit in it just for a moment, usually that anger dissipates or the urge to react in a certain way goes away and we're just left with our anger and emotions. So I say that Jesus didn't accidentally come across something and just be like, "Oh, I'm suddenly angry. Let me just make a..." He made a whip. He sat there and braided a whip together, which took time, and he still, after that, used it. So this is not just filled with anger and it's okay because it's Jesus. This is very intentional. He's sitting there like, "I know. I've been planning this. I have been... This is going to be so good." Jesus was deliberate, purposeful, intentional in his ministry, this moment included. He knew that this would rile up the opposition so much that it would bring them closer to taking action against him, meaning he would be closer to being crucified. And just as it said in the Mark passage, it worked. After he overturned the tables and ran out the money changers, they wanted to kill him. And like Isaac up on the mountain with Abraham in the Old Testament, Jesus, the Son of God, knew that he was going to be sacrificed. Jesus knew what he needed to do, what needed to happen, that this rescue plan that had been in place since Genesis was coming to the culmination here in just a few days, which leads us to the next point.
Jesus fulfills the Scriptures. This is the most important part I want us to take away from this morning. Again, what do I mean by "fulfills the Scripture"? Well, Jesus performed or upheld that which was required by the law of the Old Testament, met the expectations or the predictions about him in the writings of the prophets. Just really quick, when I say "Scriptures," I'm referencing a New Testament person who Scriptures to them at that point would have been the Old Testament, right? They were living the New Testament. They didn't have the second half of this book. They had the first half. And it was considered short-term laws and prophets. Let me bring it somewhere. We have the law of Moses and then the prophets. So Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and of the prophets. This is first brought up in verse 17 when the disciples remembered, right, that they put this together, "Zeal from your house will consume you." This was found in Psalm 69. So Jesus had a desire to see God's temple being held in highest regard, approached with the proper humility and seen as a holy place, not as it was in this moment, twisting into a mode of income. So that was expected and predicted about the coming Messiah, that God would see the temple and hear Jesus doing that very thing, seeing it. He has a zeal and a passion for that place to be as God meant it to be. From the Mark passage, we're not there anymore, but Jesus in that passage quotes Jeremiah 7-11, "Has this house which bears my name become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching, declares the Lord." That's Jeremiah 7-11. God has been watching. And Jesus, who is God, knows not just what is happening, the corruption and the commercialization of worship, but also knows the heart of those people and the lowly view of the temple that they have to treat it in such a way. So that was expected and predicted about God in the Old Testament. And here is Jesus claiming to be God doing that very thing.
Again, why is Jesus bringing up the Old Testament? And he doesn't just do this all throughout his ministry. He is helping the people here and us today understand correctly, connecting the dots in the right way. This is what the Bible says. It's about Jesus. It's about his kingdom. He's doing the work. He's interpreting it for us, helping us see and understand. Again, remember, he's going into Home Depot with them and saying, "Let me fill up your shopping cart with what you actually need to build this correctly." They had this question, "By what authority do you have?" And John, brilliant writer, he gave us that authority in the very beginning of his book. John 1, 1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, who is Jesus. And the Word was with God and the Word was God." And then in verse 14, it says, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Jesus is God. That's the authority that he speaks with. He is the author of life, the King of Kings. He has all the authority to say what he is saying, to do what he is doing. He is the fulfillment of Scripture. Obviously, the religious leaders don't like it. They want to kill him. They thought Jesus was trying to get rid of their laws and their traditions. They didn't like that. They thought he was acting against them, that he didn't care for them. He wanted to take away their power and authority. And this is where, again, this is a different passage, Matthew 5, I think we have it on the screen. Jesus didn't want to take away the law. He says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished." What's he saying? He's like, "It's me. I am the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. I am the law and the prophets reaching their fullest expression." That the old covenants, with all their significance, have been found in the fulfillment of Christ, that in Jesus, the law was perfected. He lived a perfect life, no sin, so the law was fulfilled. Because of Jesus, we no longer need the physical temple, but God is in us through the Holy Spirit. That in Jesus, these prophecies that for so long pointed forward and said, "You can't wait for this person, be waiting for this person," and Jesus is saying, "There's no more forward. It's me right now." He is the pinnacle of the Bible. And understanding that takes time. And for the disciples, it took time. They weren't... That was a lot, right? In the moment, they're like, "This guy that we follow, our teacher, our rabbi, he's saying a lot of big things." And sometimes it took them days. Don't look down on the disciples. We would be the same way. We'd be like, "Oh, this is... What is happening right now?" And I love that in verse 19 and 20 and the rest of our passage, John just explains that this is how it clicked for us. The whole thing about the temple being raised, and everyone at the time was like, "Why are you gonna destroy this temple?" And then later, after Jesus resurrected, they're like, "Oh, he was talking about his body. He is the temple that he was talking about." It clicked. And then verse 22b, it says, "Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken." I love that. They had this moment where it just... they understood. And I'm sure we've had those moments too of wrestling with something, not understanding, and all of a sudden, God makes it clear and we're like, "Oh, that's why he did this." That's what it says in his word is that it clicks for us. So one of the biggest aspects of Jesus' ministry was fulfilling scripture, to help people see that he is the fullest expression of the law and the prophets, and that it all points to him.
And so as we're letting this all sink in and our attention is being drawn to God, let me just ask a few questions of us this morning. First one is this, do we value the Bible in its entirety? That's my question this morning, right? I didn't mean to trick you, Old Testament, New Testament. All of it helps us to understand the person of Jesus, the kingdom of God, the work and the miracle that he is doing, how we got here, the problem of sin. All of it is needed to understand God's perspective. All of it is helpful in our pursuit of knowing and loving him. And so just practically, do we value it? Do you, in your time of reading, do you always stick to one passage or do you, I would just say challenge yourself, go read something different and try to see how does this connect to the person of Jesus? How is this pointing me to Jesus? That's the first one. Do we understand the work of God in our lives? Oh yeah, I have a different, okay. Let me be more specific. Which personal experiences do you, that you look back on and you understand the significance that they've had on your life? Maybe you look back on something, be it a good moment, a challenging moment, you can clearly see what God is doing. You're like, God did this, I am so grateful. You can see his provision, how he worked a miracle, how his work benefited you. Praise God for those moments. Honestly, cherish those. But the follow-up is which personal experiences do you look back on and you're still waiting for God to make sense of it all? It may be a moment like these disciples where something happens and you don't understand until later what God is doing. You don't understand, it may not be till heaven, you may be waiting a long time to fully understand. But just as the disciples did, we want to keep clinging to him, walking with him, waiting on him, lean into him, rest in him, continue to put your faith in him. As you don't understand yet, you will one day, but in the meantime, walk with him. Don't leave him because you don't understand. But we have moments that we just, we don't, God, why did you do that? I don't understand. And our hope is that we have a moment like the disciples did that later on we'll be like, oh, it clicks. I get it, God. I get what you were doing. You connected the dots for me. Hopefully, my encouragement would be to take time to reflect and see where God has been at work and praise him for the good that you see. And maybe if you do this, maybe there's something new that comes up and say, God, I never thought about this before, but I think this is what you were doing. I want to praise you for that.
Lastly is this question of do you hunger for a deeper understanding of Jesus? I'm going to tell you something you may or may not know, you in this room, you are all theologians. You may not call yourself that, but you are. You are all people who are engaging in the study of God, aka a theologian. Also you're biblical scholars. Pretty cool. I wish I had the diploma, you could just all have like a little certificate. You guys are. You are studying his word as a biblical scholar. Some of you, I bring this up to say some of you need encouragement to press into that. Be eager to learn, to look throughout the entire Bible to understand God. I want to share a brief highlight. The other week in youth, we were, after Lauren and I were doing youth group and we were talking with a student who shared that she just started reading, I can't remember if it was 1st or 2nd Samuel, the encouragement of her dad said, hey, I've been reading this. And we were like, oh, that's so great. What are you learning? What are you gleaning from your readings? And her answer was like, yeah, I keep noticing this phrase of the favor of the Spirit of God being over someone, and then it leaves that person, then it goes to another person, and that person has the Spirit of God over them. And I just, I don't know if outwardly I did this inside, I just started jumping up and down, I was like, this is so awesome. She gets it. She's reading scripture and she is putting it together. She's leaving Home Depot with the right supplies. She understands. We should all strive to better understand God. No matter how long you've been walking with Him in the faith, there should always be a hunger to know Him deeper, more, and understand Him in a deeper way. So as we approach this Easter, as we continue through our Lenten season, again, that deeper understanding of Christ helps us to worship, appreciate, and celebrate Jesus all the more.