YOUR SVC LEADERSHIP TEAM IS WORKING HARD TO IMPROVE AND CONTINUE IN OUR VISION AND MISSION. HELP US BY Filling out the following survey about our sermon series from the past year!

Our goal in preaching is bring you the word of God every week that we could all be brought closer to Him and be made more like Him. Our desire is to cover the entirety of the Bible over the course of several years. While some of that is done in our mid-week community groups the majority of it is done on Sundays through our sermon series! As we think look back on 2024, we would appreciate your thoughts on the series that we’ve completed so far. This information will help us as we prayerfully discern the upcoming year’s series!


Below are brief summaries of the series we have completed in 2024


Scripture provides times where God brings his people to a point where they look out, figuratively or in actuality, to cast their gaze forward upon what God has in store for them. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life God is calling you towards tomorrow?


Our goal in this series is to connect and reinforce in people’s minds that being a Christian means in some way participating in the life of Jesus. Through every aspect of our lives, whether joy or sacrifice, it can be used for God’s kingdom and in that there is joy. And as we serve, we are deeply transformed through the Spirit’s work in us. There is an invitation to partner with Christ, will we accept that invitation from Jesus?

Relationships 101

Embark on a transformative four-part journey with us as we empower you with the skills and insights necessary to foster lasting connections in your relationships. This series of teachings provides a comprehensive framework for establishing robust foundations in your relationships, focusing on self-awareness, effective communication, trust, intimacy, and spiritual connection.

Summer of Psalms

The Psalms teach us to neither ignore pain, nor to let it determine the meaning of our lives. Biblical faith and prayers is always forward looking, anticipating the day when God will fulfill his promises and praising him for this ahead of time. The Torah and Messiah, lament and praise, faith and hope, this is what the book of Psalms is all about.


Nehemiah continues the restorative work that God begin with Ezra, as together both books span over 100 years of Israel’s history. Nehemiah, along with Ezra, sought to restore Israel’s identity as God’s people, chosen to be set apart as a light for the rest of humanity. The story of Nehemiah ends pointing us towards God’s promise of an eternity with Him and the fullest restoration we will experience in heaven.

The Guide to Gratitude

In this series, we turned our attention to having hearts of gratitude, as from the heart flows trust in God, service to others, and a righteous perspective of the world around us. That foundation of gratitude and those acts of service further build within us a deep trust that God will always provide what we need, and we can be thankful, even before God has done anything.

Thank you for taking the time to respond!