Nehemiah — Spring Valley



The book of Nehemiah… Originally paired with the book of Ezra in the Hebrew texts, these accounts detail the return, the rebuilding, and the restoration of a lost and broken people and their broken city. Nehemiah continues the restorative work that God begin with Ezra, as together both books span over 100 years of Israel’s history. Nehemiah is a man driven by his love and loyalty to God. He sets an example for Israel and for us today by beginning in prayer before taking action. He was a gifted administrator and leader for Israel and was passionate about seeing Jerusalem rebuilt. Beyond the physical city being restored, he also greatly desired that Israel’s community life and worship return to its regular rhythm.

Some of the leading themes in Nehemiah include: The Doctrine of God, The Supremacy of Scripture, The History of Salvation, The Importance of Prayer, the Nature of Leadership, and the Provisional Nature of Work. Nehemiah, along with Ezra, sought to restore Israel’s identity as God’s people, chosen to be set apart as a light for the rest of humanity. And while the temple is rebuilt, and the city comes to life again, and God’s sovereignty is seen as he provides for the restoration—the book still points forward to God’s heavenly kingdom. On a deeper level, the people realize that the earthly restoration as glorious as they might have hoped for as the temple is unremarkably small, they are still under the authority of a foreign nation, and the temptation toward sin that got them exiled in the first place still exists. The story of Nehemiah ends pointing us towards God’s promise of an eternity with Him and the fullest restoration we will experience in heaven.