Good Friday is a reminder of the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross for the sins of humanity. It's a time of reflection, solemnity, and reverence of the immense love and compassion that motivated him to take on the sins of the world. To stop in our busy lives, remember of the depth of this sacrifice and what it means for their own lives.
As we observe Good Friday, let us take a moment to reflect on the immense love and gift of Jesus Christ, and the hope and inspiration that it brings not just to us but all believers around the world. May this day be a day we are reminded of the power of faith, love, and compassion to transform our lives and our world.
We know this is not the end of the story. Everyone expected He would remain in that tomb, because that’s what happens when someone dies - they stay dead, and they stay buried. But Jesus is not like any other person. Easter is coming.